EDC = Every Day Carry
These are the tools that you should carry to be more capable, not just for when SHTF but for every day situations.
If you come to Arizona to train with me, we can go over how to use these more effectively.
Below you will see some of my EDC gear with links to buy.

Streamlight ProTac 1L-1AA Still the #1 flashlight I recommend to everyone. Perfect balance between size and output, dual fuel so can use AA battery if needed, big enough where you can do some damage with the light if that is all you have on you (like me when I travel). Price, warranty, tailcap activation= everyone should own a few of these- I give them away all the time to friends and loved ones. AMAZON LINK
Surefire Stiletto Pro If you want a brighter light that is also rechargeable, then this is the best edc pocket light. 1000 lumens, rechargeable, dual buttons, and sits even better in the pocket. Talking to Surefire though, these may be TOO powerful. I have already had to send mine back 2x to get replaced/fixed after the LED burned out. So the Streamlight is still the one I recommend for most. AMAZON LINK

The HeadHunter Blades RAT I have carried this knife every day since I got my first one in May of 2014. The design, the size, the fit, the sheath, the matching trainer, and all the things you can do with it= makes this the #1 knife that I recommend. After you pick one up, if you have any questions, reach out to me and I will give you some pointers for free. If you want a bigger blade check out the Dirty. BUY HERE
Folding Knives if this is all you want/can carry then after going thru hundreds of them, owning all the top ones, even setting up as a dealer just so I could get discounts on most of them, these are the ones I recommend the most. Spyderco Delica, my first EDC knife, and the one I always go back to. Thin, sharp, common, feels great and awesome warranty. AMAZON LINK
Sypderco Delica Trainer, this matches the above knife, so you can do some training with it safely, good first step with edged weapons training. AMAZON LINK
CRKT M16 My 2nd fav EDC folding knife, the CRKT, less $$ and a better lock and stabber AMAZON LINK

Ameriglo T-Cap Sights Lots of new Glock owners. These are my FAVORITE sights, after trying… countless different types throughout the years, the square, sharp lines are MUCH better than round circles for precision shooting IMO They also have the standard ones, which are great. But these are the thinner ones. Which is better for long distance. AMAZON LINK

Baofeng UV5 Radio/comms When shit goes down, being able to communicate with others will be a life/death issue. Which is why I own a handful of these handy talkies, to loan out to those who need them. They can be programmed to use FRS, GMRS, MURS, and HAM VHF/UHF frequencies. I have been able to talk to a buddy 380 miles away! AMAZON LINK
Baofeng BF-F8 The 5 watt model above this one was the 1st radio I got, this is the 2nd, the upgraded 8 watt version, which I keep in my car, costs a little more, but feels MUCH more solid and def has improved range. If you have the $ get it…or buy 3 UV5’s instead. Both good calls. AMAZON LINK
BTech Programming Cable There are other cables that are a few bucks less, but they are not PLUG AND PLAY! I have this cable with my travel laptop, use it with CHIRP, free programming software, and it will save you HOURS programming time! I tried to go without, but trust me, just get it now, you will be glad you did. AMAZON LINK
Signal Stick Antenna Hand made in America, by someone who helped me pass my HAM test, I am a big fan of him and his products. This antenna has a lifetime warranty, can be tied into a knot, and gives you better range, and cheaper than other antennas I see out there, I own a few. Here are the 3 models to chose from, if you get the BNC antenna you need to get the correct adapter for it to work.
SIGNAL STUFF BNC (quick connect) LINK
Signal Stuff Antenna Mag Mount The cool thing with getting the BNC antenna, is you can quick disconnect from your radio, and quick connect it on a mag mount, quick connect the cable into your radio, and you have a roof mounted antenna which gives you WAY more range with your radio. One is currently in my mobile radio case. SIGNAL STUFF BNC MAG MOUNT LINK
Signal Stalk Car Antenna = my set up, this is an upgrade Signal Stick antenna, that is heavier duty and designed for your vehicle. I LOVE mine! If you can swing a few more bucks, are looking at getting a mobile radio for your rig, or just want to semi-permanently attach your antenna, then I recommend this. SIGNAL STALK LINK The mount I use for my Signal Stalk in the pic is a NMO Lip Mount, there are ones that cost 3x as much, but this one is working fine for me so far in the Az sun. AMAZON LINK
As men it’s our job to lead and to protect ourselves and others. That also includes protecting yourself from STDs/STIs and unwanted pregnancies. No way I want to give 1/2 of my $ because of 1 bad night! I’ve tried them all, and these are the BEST. The thinnest and as close as you can to not using one. Buy them here, 100 for $14 bucks (that the price of a 12 pack at the Drug Store) AMAZON LINK